Intensive and all-encompassing properties are the two types of physical properties. The properties which can be observed and measured easily are called concrete properties. For example color, melting point, boiling point, temperature, and odor, etc.

Intensive properties are the properties independent of the amount or quantity of a substance like color, temperature, and pressure, etc. Extensive backdrop are dependent on the amount or quantity of substance similar mass, free energy, and volume, etc.

The term intensive and extensive quantities were introduced into physics past German author Georg Captain in 1898 and by American physicist and chemist Richard C. Tolman in 1917.

Intensive vs Extensive properties

Intensive properties Extensive properties
These backdrop are amount independent These properties are amount dependent
Intensive properties involve physical changes that can easily exist observed Extensive properties involve concrete changes that tin can non easily be observed
They can exist identified They cannot be identified
They are helpful for the identification of samples They are helpful for the clarification of samples
They alter physical behavior of substances They change nature of substances
Examples Colour, temperature, density, pressure, melting and humid point, density, etc Examples Mass, volume, energy, enthalpy, entropy, length, etc

Intensive properties

The properties which do non depend on the mass or corporeality of substance present in the sample are called intensive properties. These backdrop are used for the identification of samples because they involve the physical modify that can be observed hands.

Temperature is an intensive property considering the temperature of 1 driblet of water is the same as the temperature of one glass of water pregnant it is independent of amount.

Examples of intensive properties are

  1. Colour
  2. Temperature
  3. Solubility
  4. Refractive alphabetize
  5. Luster
  6. Melting indicate
  7. Boiling point
  8. Odor
  9. Pressure level
  10. Density
  11. Malleability
  12. Ductility
  13. Taste
  14. Surface tension
  15. Viscosity

Examples of some intensive properties

Extensive properties

The backdrop which depend on mass or amount of substance present in the sample are called extensive backdrop. These properties are used for describing a sample because they change the internal structures.

These properties tell usa well-nigh the quantity of any substance present in the sample.

Examples of extensive properties are

  1. Mass
  2. Volume
  3. Energy
  4. Enthalpy
  5. Entropy
  6. Length
  7. Gibbs complimentary energy
  8. Helmholtz free energy
  9. Heat capacity

Heat capacity is an extensive holding because 100 one thousand of water, for instance, has 100 times the rut capacity of ane g of h2o and therefore requires 100 times the energy as oestrus to bring about the same ascension in temperature.

Examples of some extensive properties

Specific properties

The ratio of ii extensive properties is an intensive property and these are called specific properties. When we separate any quantity by its mass nosotros get the property called specific property.

For example

Density = mass / book

ρ = thousand / Five

As the mass and volume, both are extensive backdrop, their ratio is equal to density, an intensive property.

Similarly heat capacity is an extensive property. When information technology is divided by mass the term is called specific heat capacity which is an intensive property.

Examples of specific properties are

  • Specific volume
  • Specific energy
  • Specific heat capacity
  • Specific entropy
  • Tooth enthalpy, etc.

Key takeaway(southward)

Intensive vs Extensive properties

Related Topics

  • Internal energy vs. enthalpy
  • Heat vs. thermal free energy
  • Entropy vs. enthalpy

Concepts Berg

What is the difference between an intensive and extensive holding?

The property that does not depend on the amount of matter present in the sample is called intensive property. For example temperature, pressure, melting point and boiling point, etc.

The property that depends on the quantity of affair present in the sample is called an all-encompassing property, for example, mass, volume, and energy, etc.

What are 5 examples of extensive properties?

Examples of extensive property are

  • Mass
  • Volume
  • Free energy
  • Enthalpy
  • Entropy, etc.

What are the three differences between extensive and intensive properties?

  1. Extensive property depends on the amount where the intensive property does not.
  2. An intensive property is used for the identification of samples whereas extensive properties are used for describing the samples.
  3. Mass and volume are extensive backdrop while density and temperature are intensive properties.

Is size intensive or extensive?

Intensive properties are independent of amount or size whereas all-encompassing properties are size-dependent. And then the size is extensive.

Is mass extensive or intensive?

Mass is an example of extensive holding because extensive properties are amount or mass dependent.

Which is an intensive property?

The property which does not depend on the amount or size of the sample is called an intensive property. For example temperature, pressure, color, melting and boiling points and refractive index, etc.

Is temperature intensive or extensive?

Temperature existence amount independent is an example of intensive properties.

Is volume intensive or extensive?

Book being amount dependent is an example of extensive properties.

Is hardness intensive or all-encompassing?

Hardness is an example of an intensive holding because intensive properties do not change if the amount of sample changes.

Is color intensive or extensive?

Color beingness amount independent is an instance of an intensive holding.

Is length intensive or extensive?

Length is an case of an all-encompassing belongings because the corporeality matters for length.

Is density intensive or extensive belongings?

Density is the ratio of mass and volume. Both these quantities are extensive properties but as the ratio of 2 extensive backdrop is an intensive property, the density is an intensive belongings.

What is meant by intrinsic and extrinsic properties? Is it the same as intensive and extensive properties?

Intrinsic properties

The backdrop which are inherent to the sample or being endemic by samples are called intrinsic.

Extrinsic backdrop

The properties that are not inherent to the sample but depend on external factors are called extrinsic.

Intensive properties

The properties which are independent of mass are called intensive properties.

All-encompassing backdrop

The backdrop which are dependent on mass are called extensive properties.

So they are not the aforementioned.

Why is the ratio of 2 extensive properties an intensive holding?

The ratio of 2 extensive properties is an extensive property. This is because both these properties abolish each other's amount dependency and nosotros get an intensive holding.

For example, density is the ratio of mass and volume. Both these quantities are extensive backdrop but density is an intensive holding because the ratio of two extensive properties is an intensive belongings.

Is pressure intensive or extensive?

Pressure level is an instance of intensive properties because information technology doesn't change with corporeality or numbers.

Is specific volume intensive or extensive?

When volume is divided by the mass, nosotros get a specific book. It is the reciprocal of density so it is an intensive holding. Moreover, volume and mass both being extensive quantities make an intensive property by their ratio.

Is molarity intensive or extensive?

Molarity is the ratio of number of moles and volume. These both are extensive properties. The ratio of two extensive properties is an intensive i so, the molarity is an intensive property.

Is Gibbs free energy intensive or extensive?

Gibbs'southward free free energy is an extensive property because it changes with a change in the corporeality of sample.

Is time an intensive property?

Time is always an intensive belongings because information technology never depends on mass or amount.

Is heat intensive or all-encompassing?

Heat is an example of an all-encompassing property beingness quantity dependent.

How is pressure an intensive property?

Pressure is the force per unit area. Force and area are extensive backdrop so the pressure, their ratio product is an intensive property.

P = F /A

Why are the extensive properties condiment?

All-encompassing properties are additive because if two dissimilar systems are combined, their full magnitude will equal the sum of their private magnitudes.

For instance, when two liquids are mixed, their total volume becomes equal to the sum of their individual volumes. This is not although necessarily happening. It is possible in isolated systems.

Are molarity and molality intensive properties? If so, why?

Both molarity and molality are intensive properties.

  • Molarity is the ratio of number of moles and volume. They both are extensive properties. The ratio of two extensive properties is intensive and then molarity is an intensive property.
  • Molality is the ratio of number of moles and mass of solvent. Both of these quantities are all-encompassing properties. The ratio of ii extensive backdrop is an intensive belongings so, molality is as well an intensive belongings.

Why is molar volume an intensive property?

Molar volume is the ratio of volume and mass. Equally both are all-encompassing properties and the ratio of two extensive properties is an intensive property. Molar mass is an intensive property.

Why is internal energy considered to exist an extensive property?

Internal energy is the sum of kinetic and potential energies. Both these energies are mass-dependent meaning that internal energy is as well a mass-dependent quantity. Thus, the internal energy is an extensive belongings.

Tin can colligative properties be considered extensive properties?

Colligative backdrop are the properties of a solution. It is the ratio of the number of solute particles to the number of solvent particles. They are intensive backdrop.

Is rut chapters intensive or all-encompassing?

Oestrus chapters is an all-encompassing property because it is mass dependent. For example, the heat capacity of k g of water is very different from the heat capacity of one g of water.

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